Friday, February 18, 2011

Do you know what that word means?

Two weeks ago my car was side-swiped. It happened as I slept on a Wednesday night about two weeks ago.

So I called my insurance to file and claim and they said the car will be repaired without going against my record. That is neat! They also said they would provide my with a comparable rental car, but if I wanted something different I would have to pay for the difference.

So as the paperwork finally cleared and I dropped the car off at the shop this past Wednesday I was gearing myself up to the fact that I would probably be driving a Ford Taurus until my car is fixed sometime next week.

This is MY car.

This is the COMPARABLE rental car


Just to make sure I am not the dumb one I looked up the word in the dictionary and here are some synonyms: likeness, similar, copy.

Seems like they hit it right on the head


Kels H.M. said...

cool. Go muddin'.

Liz said...

you love it.

Unknown said...

I can barely tell the difference, totally your car's doppleganger.