Saturday, January 31, 2009

Final Day of Round 5!

So Round five has come to a completion. So things are going good. This was one of the fastest days yet. we got home around 10:45 so that was exciting.

Well I now have completed 5 out of the 12 treatments so after the next one I will be half way done and they will go faster because there will be no break for radiation during the second half.

Right now if everything goes smoothly it looks like I will finish the final round in June.

So I go in next Monday for a another "push" of Vincristine.

Everyone enjoy your weekend and the Super Bowl.

I will be cheering for the Cardinals.

Shots: 45

Pills: 144

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stumbled across your blog via Google reader. Wanted to wish you the best, so...

