Thursday, November 20, 2008

Day 4--Round 3

So today when My mother and I were driving to the hospital we were preparing ourselves for a very very long day. The day included chemo and a CT Scan. The scan was at 10:00 so we thought that I would stop chemo after that getting us home around 4 o'clock. so we had brought more stuff than normal to keep us busy with the day. I brought the two movies Man from Snowy River and Get Smart.

So we arrived at the hospital a little after 8 o'clock and check in and filled up my urine cup so that it could get processed so my chemo could be ordered. I was then given an IV in my arm so that they could inject the contrast liquid stuff during the Scan. The Contrast liquid stuff is ionic stuff and lights up my veins and organs so it is easy for them to see what is going on in my body. They first take the scan without the contrast and then repeat the same scan with the liquid.

Also they gave me the IV in the arm because for some reason they do not like to use the port that is in my chest. I have no idea why but thats what they said and I don't ask a whole bunch of questions. Now the time is about 8:45 and my scan is not until 10:00 so that is a lot of waiting time. So instead of waiting in the out patient cancer clinic I decided to go check in early at the Radiology center so that if there was a no show or if they could fit me in earlier I would be there to make it happen.

I checked in at 9:00 and sat and waited I watched on the TV in the lounge how to count to 5...speak a little Spanish....learned that being a good sport is better than winning...THANKS DISNEY CHANNEL.

So at 9:30 they called my name...I was so happy....I went in to the big room where the Cat Scan is and they tried to hook the IV up in my arm to the contrast machine but there wasn't any flowage. So they decided that they needed to put another IV in my left arm. So there I was lying on a table of the CAT scan with IV's hanging out of both arms and my chest I felt like I was the beginning of some sort of experiment maybe something similar to what Frankenstein went through.

After the Scan I returned to the Outpatient clinic and 10 o'clock where my chemo was waiting for me and they hooked me write up and had me out of there by noon.

Overall it was a great day at the hospital and this week has gone by fast because of the wonderful company of Sean and his mother who are at the bed right next to us. We chat with them about just about everything and we all have matching apple laptops.

So tomorrow is the last day of Round 3 which will be followed by a glorious long warm shower. After the shower my family and I will catch a plane to Portland Oregon for Turkey Day.

Shots: 87

Pills: 93


Anonymous said...

Good to see you at the Temple.
Serious, you look great, especially in brown pinstripe!
Hope Portland is a great time.
Enjoy the break!!!!
Love Ya, -M

ginger said...

"Thanks Disney Channel!" LOL